Contemplative Cinema Blogathon (January 2007)

  1. Is it Boring Because Its Art? Or is it Art Because Its Boring? (The Cinesthete at Reel Friction)
  2. Time in Akerman's Je, tu, il ...elle (Johanna at The Lone Revue)
  3. Contemplative Cinema: Notes on "Slacker" (Damian at Windmills of my Mind)
  4. What Price Fetish? (Bob at Forward to Yesterday)
  5. Tokyo Story (Ryland Walker Knight at Vinyl is Heavy)
  6. towards an exploration of contemplative cinema (cineboy at PilgrimAkimbo)
  7. Inland Empire (Jürgen Fauth at jürgen fauth’s muckworld)
  8. Contemplative Cinema and Quixotic (Doug Cummings at FilmJourney)
  9. Akerman's Là-bas 1 & 2 (HarryTuttle at Screenville)
  10. A Child's History Of Long Takes (David Lowery at Drifting)
  11. Contemplating Contemplation: Manoel de Oliveira’s Je rentre à la maison (Flickhead at
  12. More fun with contemplative cinema (cineboy at PilgrimAkimbo)
  13. When sound is reborn in silence (Marina at Almayer)
  14. Harun Farocki's Inextinguishable Fire (Zach Campbell at Elusive Lucidity)
  15. Andy Warhol (Girish at Girish)
  16. Rivette 1 (weepingsam at The Listening Ear)
  17. Gus Van Sant on Bela Tarr (HarryTuttle at Screenville)
  18. Lakes and Skies (Brian Darr at Hell On Frisco Bay)
  19. Defining Contemplative Cinema (Bela Tarr) (weepingsam at The Listening Ear)
  20. Contemplative Cinema at the Drive-In: Monte Hellman's Two-Lane Blacktop (Tom Sutpen at If Charlie Parker Was a Gunslinger . . . )
  21. Contemplative Cinema Blog-A-Thon - Play Time (1967) as Spiritual Treatise (Brendon at My Five Year Plan)
  22. Bela Tarr's Sound Images: Cinema of Proximity (Adrian Chan at reviews and analysis of indie films...)
  23. Average Shot Length (HarryTuttle at Unspoken Cinema)
  24. Contemplating Babel in many tongues and voices (Adrian Chan at Reviews and analysis of significant Films...)
  25. Minimum Profile (HarryTuttle at Unspoken Cinema)
  26. The Suspended Step of the Stork (acquarello at Strictly Film School)
  27. The Red And The White (Ian Johnston at Not Coming To A Theatre Near You)
  28. Bela Tarr Notes (weepingsam at The Listening Ear)
  29. Lateral sculpture: Béla Tarr's Sátántangó (Ryland Walker Knight at The House Next Door)
  30. A Turning of the Earth, in Real Time (Bob at Forward to Yesterday)
  31. Purpose and style (Marina at Unspoken Cinema)
  32. The Falling Rain in Bela Tarr and Andrei Tarkovsky (Adrian Chan at Reviews and analysis of significant Films...)
  33. Tentative genealogy (HarryTuttle at Unspoken Cinema)
  34. Nuri Bilge Ceylan interview (Climates) (HarryTuttle at Screenville)
  35. Cinema Sublime: considering contemplative cinema's relationship to the infinite (cineboy at PilgrimAkimbo)
  36. Gilles Deleuze and Contemplative Cinema (Adrian Chan at Reviews and analysis of significant Films...)
  37. Old Joy (Paul Martin at Melbourne Film Blog)
  38. Contemplative Cinema: The Long Road to Taipei (2) (Zach Campbell at Elusive Lucidity)
  39. Justifying the frame (Marina at Unspoken Cinema)
  40. Ozu's Any-Space-Whatever, read through Gilles Deleuze (Adrian Chan at Unspoken Cinema)
  41. What is Contemplating Cinema? (Adrian Chan at Reviews and analysis of significant Films...)
  42. Contemplative Cinema Blog-a-Thon: Theo Angelopoulos' The Weeping Meadow (Matt Zoller Seitz at The House Next Door)
  43. Tiexi Qu - Chinese Indie Doc (1) (Ouyang Feng at Chungking Express)
  44. Contemplative Cinema Conclusions (Colossal Youth) (weepingsam at The Listening Ear)
  45. Sex, fruit and starshine: The proxemics of The Wayward Cloud (Steve Carlson at The Ongoing Cinematic Education of...)
  46. Deus ex Sanguina: Claire Denis's Trouble Every Day (Jeremiah Kipp at The House Next Door)
  47. Todo Todo Teros (John Torres, 2006) (Noel Vera at Critic After Dark)

Live correspondance (in French) with Le Forum des Cahiers du Cinéma !


  1. Contemplative or not contemplative? (updates feed)
  2. Contemplation and Genres (updates feed)
  3. Aesthetic Economy (updates feed)
  4. Transcendental or CC? (updates feed)
  5. Bad Contemplative Films (updates feed)
Thanks everyone!

Anticipatory preparations (from 2006) :


HarryTuttle said…
Adding Bordwell's post aptly titled "Santantango marathon" to the list, because it's written just like it was meant to take part in our blogathon! :)
HarryTuttle said…
Adding 2 more contributions :

- Santantango by Darren Hughes at Long Pauses

- Johanna at The Lone Revue writes a triptych for Unspoken Cinema : Music & Experience as narrative force...
1)Anticipation of a Video Collective's Project
2)Audience as Interaction in Non-Narrative Film
3)Conceptual Conflicts in Non-Narrative: Music & Expectation
Jo Custer said…
Awww, thanks, Harry...
HarryTuttle said…
You're welcome Johanna. Everybody can add links up there, even their own posts, no shame about that. It's all about sharing information, or noone else will know...

Adding a French text on 3 recent films celebrating landscape and natural pace (Lady Chatterley, Hamaca Paraguaya, Straub-Huillet's Ces Rencontres avec eux) : La Nature au Cinéma (Guillaume Massart at FilmDeCulte) in French
HarryTuttle said…
Adding : An interview with Carlos Reygadas (on Battle in Heaven) by Robert Davis at Errata, from january 2005.
davis said…
Thanks for the link, Harry. The interview with Reygadas is actually from January 2006.
HarryTuttle said…
Oh sorry. Thanks for correcting it.
Uncle Gustav said…
Count me in on the Blogathon!
Noel Vera said…
Jan. 8's too soon for me, unless I just take an existing article on a film I wrote about--Lav Diaz's Heremias--and rework it a little. Is that okay?
HarryTuttle said…
Welcome Davis! Welcome Flickhead!

Welcome Noel Vera, and of course you can contribute whatever you choose. Is it the famous filipino's "Satantango"?
You could just leave a link to the existing piece if you like too. It's all fine.
I hope to see you in the comments discussions.

The NewBlogger is still acting up... (apparently only with Team-blogs) the techies are working on fixing the problems, I hope everything will work again on Monday. We can still edit the existing posts (to update contribution links) and comment. But I can't add new posts. Anybody else can here?
HarryTuttle said…
adding : “Art-Cinema” Narration a 3-posts series on narrativity by Cineboy at PilgrimAkimbo.
Jo Custer said…
won't let me post, either...arrgh.
HarryTuttle said…
dammit so every memeber is locked. Do we have to start a blog elsewhere before Monday?
Noel Vera said…
It's something like Satantango, I suppose, but focuse on one character. Actually it would be his second Satantango--his last film, Ebolusyon, is 10 hours long.
HarryTuttle said…
Thanks Flickhead for the poster of our blogathon! :)
(see new image in sidebar)
HarryTuttle said…
First contribution is arrived :
Is it Boring Because Its Art? Or is it Art Because Its Boring? (The Cinesthete at Reel Friction)

re: NEWBLOGGER bug with team-blogs
Until we find a solution to cross-post the contribution here (nobody can publish new posts at the moment), you can engage the discussion with your readers at your blogs. We might need to open a new blog for the roundtable discussions. Unless anyone knows another host for team-blogs?

Check out also the forum at Cahiers du Cinema to follow the contemplative Cinema discussion in French with Cahiers readers.
Damian Arlyn said…
Here is my contribution to the Blog-a-thon. I may be a few hours too early, but I am usually late to the party, so I fgured I'd overcompensate this time. :)
Anonymous said…
I guess I'm locked out with everyone else. Though I'm a pretty bad technopeasant, so maybe I'm misunderstanding right now. I more than a little unsure about how this is supposed to work.

Anyhow, my contribution is here. Good luck and thanks for doing this.
Hi there. I just saw TOKYO STORY for the first time and wrote a capsule-sized review/appreciation. Don't know if it qualifies but here's a link. Can't wait to read everything...
Also, I'm working on my own essay about SATANTANGO, tentively titled "Lateral Sculpture: Satantango and patience" that I hope to finish and publish on The House Next Door soon but it's still rough. I wish I'd had time to work on it before this so I could link to it, as well. I'll let you know of any developments.
Tucker said…
Hey folks. You can find my thoughts on contemplative cinema here: towards an exploration of contemplative cinema .
HarryTuttle said…
Thank you for all your contributions, Damina, Bob, Ryland Walker Knight and cineboy!

I'm working on my post(s) myself, so I'll be with you soon.

The bug is still not fixed today, so i'll try to move to another blog where we can post. I'll let you know.
Uncle Gustav said…
Sorry that my entry into the blogathon is late. Our computer crashed yesterday -- the wimp just couldn't handle Flickhead -- so we're stuck in the mire of recovery right now. With any luck I'll have my post up tomorrow.

By the way: thanks for using that poster -- it looks good on Unspoken Cinema! In case anyone needs to know, the face belongs to Leonor Silveira.
Jürgen said…
Great topic for a blogathon. I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for, but I have a little piece about Inland Empire and meditation that might fit the bill.
HarryTuttle said…
I'm just back from a screening homage to late Danièle Huillet, at La Cinémathèque in Paris, with Jean-Marie Straub. We saw Non-Réconciliés and 3 shorts.

Thanks for the beautiful poster Flickhead, I like it. Is it a painting? or a movie poster? Looks familiar but I can't place it...

Don't worry about the deadline, post whenever you're ready. If the posts spread over the week, browsing the discussions will be easier I guess.

Everyone, if you are working on a post and are not listed in the contributors list (on the right) please drop a notification here, just so we know how many contributions to expect. We'll send you an invitation to join here with an email (I think the Google account is needed though?)

Thanks Jurgen for your link, from what I heard there is a lot of contemplation in Lynch's latest.
Tucker said…
Harry, I'd love to be added to the contributors list.

And I am envious of your film viewing options!
HarryTuttle said…
I sent you an invitation to the yahoo email from your blog. Just sent another one.
David Lowery said…
I should have my post finished tomorrow, or possibly Wednesday...
HarryTuttle said…
That's great David. Will it be on The Outlaw Son?

Adding new contributions :

Doug Cummings at FilmJourney with Contemplative Cinema and Quixotic

And my first contribution in 2 parts : Chantal Akerman's Là-bas and Over There : Documenting contemplation

Thank you all for your patience, and for starting the discussions already.
Uncle Gustav said…
The poster image is of Leonor Silveira in Manoel de Oliveira's "Abraham's Valley".
Uncle Gustav said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ouyang Feng said…
just to tell you that I'll post mine at the latest next week, it's only now that I have much more time.
Of course, the text deals with independent Chinese cinema.
sorry for my lateness.
Uncle Gustav said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tucker said…
I've just added another post on the topic at PilgrimAkimbo: more fun with contemplative cinema. Thanks for the opportunity.
HarryTuttle said…
I haven't seen Abraham's Valley, but I remember the poster now.

Thanks for the contributions David Lowery, Flickhead, and cineboy.
(Since we can subscribe to the Comment Feeds of this thread it's better to post every update to the list here, so we can see when there is new content on a RSS aggregator) ;)

Looking forward to your post Ouyang Feng. There are already lots of underexposed recommendations for asian cinema at your blog.
HarryTuttle said…
I've added the contributions that were posted here before the bug (look in the anticipatory preparation list, below new contributions) :

- Thoughts From an (Experimental?) Documentary Film (Johanna at Unspoken Cinema)
- Contemplative Acting? (Marina at Unspoken Cinema)
- [Non-]Narrativity (Marina at Unspoken Cinema)

We can discuss these too. Until we can post again here. Soon I hope (the support team found the problem now).
HarryTuttle said…
Radio webcast : Interview of Nuri Bilge Ceylan (Climates) on French radio France Culture), and a plan-sequence analysis in Sokurov's The Sun by DP Caroline Champetier. Available online for a week, in French, and Turkish, both much relevant to our topic here. I might translate a few points later on.
Marina said…
I'm sorry for being late, I'll try to compensate with more posts later.

Here's the beginning of some notes on Eric Khoo's Be with me. I've got to focus on a few more points and will add the rest of the text to that post. Sorry again. And that roundtable looks quite tempting! :)
HarryTuttle said…
Thanks for the contribution Marina. There is no rush, don't apologize.

Bob (Forward to Yesterday), I tried to leave a comment but apparently your blog doesn't accept unless we have a Word Press account. And I couldn't open an account either. Help!
ZC said…
I've added myself to the links list--now to (oh boy) start finally reading all these entries I've been making note of ...

Thanks again for the invite, Harry.
HarryTuttle said…
Thank you for the contribution Zach! (And we can even watch your film online for everyone unfamiliar with Farocki, like me).

Adding : Girish's contribution on Andy Warhol
HarryTuttle said…
Adding : weepingsam's Rivette 1 at The Listening Ear
HarryTuttle said…
Adding : Gus Van Sant on Bela Tarr at my blog.
Unknown said…
Thanks Harry, for linking to my slightly dated, but hopefully still worth reading, piece.

I hope to delve into all the writing here soon. It's a great thematic collection of material.

I notice that several of the links to past blog-a-thons (very handy!) are broken.
HarryTuttle said…
You're welcome.
Oh I don't know what happened to these links they are all truncated... Will fix that. Thanks for the heads up.

Adding :
Defining Contemplative Cinema (Bela Tarr) (weepingsam at The Listening Ear)
Brendon Bouzard said…
hey Harry - really nice blog-a-thon you've got going on here.

I wrote up a post on Tati as well as larger issues of Contemplative Cinema at My Five Year Plan.
HarryTuttle said…
Thank you Brendon!

Tom Sutpen also added his contribution : Contemplative Cinema at the Drive-In: Monte Hellman's Two-Lane Blacktop at If Charlie Parker Was a Gunslinger . . .
HarryTuttle said…
Adding : Bela Tarr's Sound Images: Cinema of Proximity by Adrian Chan at a blog called "Reviews and analysis of Indie Films, Foreign Films, Documentaries, and some Popular Movies"
HarryTuttle said…
Adding :
- Average Shot Length (HarryTuttle at Unspoken Cinema)

- Contemplating Babel in many tongues and voices (Adrian Chan at Reviews and analysis of Indie Films, Foreign Films, Documentaries, and some Popular Movies)
HarryTuttle said…
Adding :
- Minimum Profile (HarryTuttle at Unspoken Cinema)
- Angelopoulos' The Suspended Step of the Stork, 1991 (acquarello at Strictly Film School)
HarryTuttle said…
Adding : The Red And The White by Ian Johnston at Not Coming To A Theatre Near You
HarryTuttle said…
Others at YMDB Part Deux forum have picked up on our interrogations with CC (Interesting remarks). If you guys read it, you are most welcome to join the discussion here with us!
It's a debate open to the public.
HarryTuttle said…
Adding : one more contribution by weepingsam at The Listening Ear, Bela Tarr Notes

And another forum discussing our discussions at
Hi there, The House Next Door just published my essay on SATANTANGO. You can find it here.

Hope you like!
Anonymous said…
Hi, I've got my one more of my philistinish (Philistineque?) contribution up. It's here.
Tucker said…
another contribution here. I promiss this is my last!
HarryTuttle said…
Keep them coming cineboy!

Adding a bunch lately :
- Gilles Deleuze and Contemplative Cinema (Adrian Chan at Reviews and analysis of significant Films...)
- Old Joy (Paul Martin at Melbourne Film Blog)
- Contemplative Cinema: The Long Road to Taipei (2) (Zach Campbell at Elusive Lucidity)
- Justifying the frame (Marina at Unspoken Cinema)
- Ozu's Any-Space-Whatever, read through Gilles Deleuze (Adrian Chan at Unspoken Cinema)

a few days left to contribute to the blogathon...
But this blog can stay alive after the blogathon ends.
HarryTuttle said…
Adding : What is Contemplating Cinema? (Adrian Chan at Reviews and analysis of significant Films...)
HarryTuttle said…
Adding : Theo Angelopoulos' The Weeping Meadow (Matt Zoller Seitz at The House Next Door)
HarryTuttle said…
Adding : Tiexi Qu - Chinese Indie Doc (1) (Ouyang Feng at Chungking Express)
weepingsam said…
Hi - I took a shot at summing up my thoughts on the blogathon, here. Plus a mini-review of Colossal Youth.....
HarryTuttle said…
Added :
Sex, fruit and starshine: The proxemics of The Wayward Cloud (Steve Carlson at The Ongoing Cinematic Education of...)

Deus ex Sanguina: Claire Denis's Trouble Every Day (Jeremiah Kipp at The House Next Door)

Todo Todo Teros (John Torres, 2006) (Noel Vera at Critic After Dark)
Bradley Gardner said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bradley Gardner said…
I seemed to have missed the party. Anyways, how do I get added to this wild endeavor. I think things on my blog would fit quite nicely in here.
HarryTuttle said…
Hi Bradley,
Welcome aboard.
The blogathon event was limited in time, but everyone can continue to post content on this blog. I sent you an invitation to join, if you want to start new posts here. Or you can just link to the articles on your blog that you think are relevant to our discussion here.

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