CCC Auteurs Watchlist : Roy ANDERSSON

Unique Swedish filmmaker, Roy ANDERSSON, is 78 this year and made his last (according to him) film in 2019 : About Endlessness . A 2020 documentary, Being a Human Person (directed by Fred Scott) follows its making of, where the auteur struggles with alcoholism. Andersson only made 6 feature films within 50 years, and many TV commercials ( compiled in this 34min long YouTube video ). Let's hope there will be a 7th Roy Andersson film and many more. * * * Some videos where he's discussing his art : Roy Andersson interviewed about A Pigeon Sat On A Branch Reflecting On Existence (27 march 2021) 22'31" Q&A with Roy Andersson (26 sept 2020) 1h06' Roy Andersson & Ruben Östlund (30 june 2011) 7'27" Roy Andersson on his career (11 sept 2009) 6' Roy Andersson's official website : Studio 24