Contemplative Films Growth 1960-2023
(Designed by Benoit Rouilly) This is a sequel from my 2021 graph, Courbe de population CCC depuis 1960 (in French), which surveyed the number of films per year on my Recommended CCC page . The first graph stopped in 2019, just before COVID. So I add now, 2019 to 2023, plus a dozen of complementary titles. This time I'm plotting some influential films on the Yearly bar plot (bottom graph), to note how long it takes for the new filmmakers to pick up the influence from a landmark title. For instance Naked Island and Empire had not short term emulation, even though they were one-of-a-kind films in the history of cinema at that point. Maybe too exceptional to be copied. Still, the underground influence has pervaded secretly until the 70ies when a bunch of newcomers like Wiseman, Saless, Kiarostami, Deligny and Chantal Akerman, popped up out of nowhere within an already Modernist background. But instead of going Modern Cinema, they opted for a return to Lumière, against all odds, a