Two awesome visual essays on contemporary Chinese cinema (Kevin B. Lee)

Slow Food. Oxhide II (2009/Liu Jiayin/China) and the art of dumpling making
by David Bordwell and Kevin B. Lee (Moving Image Source, 28 April 2011) 7'15"
"[..] This video essay uses Bordwell's notes on Oxhide II, originally published on his blog Observations on Film Art, as a script to examine the film in depth. Additionally, we've translated Bordwell's analysis into Chinese to produce a bilingual commentary that alternates between spoken Mandarin with English text and spoken English with simplified Chinese text. [..]"

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New Beginnings. Opening moments from contemporary Chinese cinema
by Kevin B. Lee (Moving Image Source, 28 April 2011) 12'
"[..]This video essay looks at the six films in the program, demonstrating their collective range of stylistic approaches and thematic interests by focusing solely on their opening moments. Even within these minute samplings, there's a wealth of detail to be discovered, both cinematic and cultural. In many cases the film's special cinematic qualities are informed by specific cultural subtexts, which this video attempts to uncover. Of course, there's much more to be said about these films than what their opening moments can contain: for example, read Reynaud's extensive commentary on several of these films, published in Senses of Cinema. We've only scratched the surface of these and many other works from today's Chinese cinema."
More info at dGenerate Films and David Bordwell's site

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