
Showing posts from May, 2024

Cinema Generations (infographics)

  Download the PDF here From its inception in 1895, the history of Cinema has changed drastically and I imagined a parallel between software generations to depict the evolution of narratives and aesthetics through the years. Thus this infographic map that I designed to summarize the trends and paradigm shifts that shaped Cinema history in successive stages. The first prototype is "Alpha" also known as Verisimilitude, represented by the cinematographic views of Louis and Auguste Lumière. Cinema was in its infancy, without any visual grammar (editing) or any fancy storytelling. Its purpose was mainly to record life and show off the motion that Photography didn't have. Soon thereafter a new prototype "Beta" was released for beta-testers, the Filmed Theatre, available in silent mode only, where stage actors and playwright used theater and literature, well known and mastered ancient arts to exploit the possibilities of this new invention. You could argue this Beta st...

Contemplative Auteurs Poster (Apichatpong WEERASETHAKUL)


Definition (Oxford Dictionary of Film Studies)

  Oxford Dictionary of Film Studies (Google Books)

Contemplative Auteurs Poster (WANG Bing)


Intentional Boredom in Goodbye, Dragon Inn (James DeLisio)

  can you sit through this scene without getting bored? | Intentional Boredom in Goodbye, Dragon Inn (YouTube) 5'34" James DeLisio (26 June 2023) Why is unproductive time wasted? Why is an unproductive body wasted? Tsai Ming Liang's 2003 film Goodbye, Dragon Inn is a hallmark in the world of slow cinema, one that demands patience from the viewer, and draws their attention to the act of viewing itself. In a world of rapidly accelerating media, Tsai has crafted a film that challenges the audience to consider what it means to sit still and watch something. Nowhere is this more clear than in the six-minute long take of an empty movie theater.

Contemplative Auteurs Poster (TSAI Ming Liang)


Boring Movies (And Why We Need Them)

  Boring Movies (And Why We Need Them) (YouTube) 19'23" In Frames Out (21 Feb 2023) Tedium, ennui and glacial inaction aren't just evolutionarily important. They're essential to our interpretive understanding of the world. So why do we still consider "Boring" a capital crime when it comes to culture and art?

On Cinematic Decline: Goodbye, Dragon Inn and Dorsky's Devotional Cinema

  On Cinematic Decline: Goodbye, Dragon Inn and Dorsky's Devotional Cinema (YouTube) 24'49" The Mouvement Image (24 March 2024) This essay covers the slow death of cinematic movie theaters as captured in Tsai Ming-Liang's Goodbye, Dragon Inn. Viewing the film through the vision of cinema Nathaniel Dorsky lays out in his book Devotional Cinema, we gain an understanding of why theaters mean so much to us, why the experiences we've had inside them are so important, and how sad it is that these shared spaces for connecting with the arts are disappearing from our communities.

Cemetery of Splendour (Aryan Kurungode)

  Cemetery of Splendour - Political critique through the lens of Paul Schrader's transcendental style (YouTube) 10'57" Aryan Kurungode (31 July 2023)

Landmark Contemplative Films 2024

 Must see Contemporary Contemplative Cinema 1960-2023

Le Slow Cinema (KI:NO)

  Le Slow Cinema (YouTube) 10'02" KI:NO (2 may 2024) FRANÇAIS Mais c'est quoi exactement le "Slow Cinema" ?

Lav Diaz and Emancipated Cinema (Jane Brown)

  Melancholia (2008) — Lav Diaz and Emancipated Cinema (YouTube) 47'37" Style is Subtance (Jane Brown) 1st March 2024

Roy Andersson: The Essence of the Complex Image (Pedro M. Afonso)

  The work of Roy Andersson, a Swedish auteur that turned its back to Realism and embraced Abstractionism, embodies one of the few truly defying and groundbreaking attitudes in modern Cinema: the denial of speed. The current essay focus on the methods through which he obtains this effect and the contribution of his body of work to the Aesthetics of Cinema. Roy Andersson: The Essence of the Complex Image   (video essay only viewable on YouTube ) 10'11" Escola das Artes - UCP (Pedro M. Afonso) 6 May 2024 Portuguese, English subtitles Citation : Afonso, P. (2021). Roy Andersson: The Essence of the Complex Image . Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts, 13(1), 87-99.

Frederick Wiseman and His Collaborators (2024 book)

  Making Documentary Film: Frederick Wiseman and His Collaborators   by Thomas W. Benson and Carolyn Anderson at Penn State's  Libraries Open Publishing  (free PDF)

Slow Cinema (Jesse Tague)

  Slow Cinema (YouTube) 7'56" Jesse Tague (22 April 2024)

L'ennui profond (HAN Byung-Chul, 2024)

AI image (Firefly) L’ennui profond in La société de la fatigue (HAN Byung-chul) 2024 traduit de l’allemand par Olivier Mannoni [..] Les performances culturelles de l'humanité, parmi lesquelles on compte aussi la philosophie, nous les devons à une attention contemplative profonde. La culture suppose un environnement dans lequel une attention profonde soit possible.  [..] Walter Benjamin donne à cet ennui profond le nom d' « oiseau de rêve qui couve l'œuf de l'expérience ». Si le sommeil est l'apogée de la détente physique, l'ennui profond est selon lui le summum de la détente intellectuelle. [..] Le « don d'écouter silencieusement » repose précisément sur la capacité d'avoir une attention profonde, contemplative, à laquelle l'ego hyperactif n'a pas d'accès. Quand on s'ennuie en marchant et qu'on n'a pourtant aucune tolérance pour l'ennui, on est nerveux, on erre, on frétille, on vaque à telle ou telle occupation. [..] Le titre...