CCC FAQ #1 : What does CCC mean ?

 Contemporary Contemplative Cinema Frequently Asked Questions #1 :

"What does CCC mean ?"

    "CCC" means "Contemporary Contemplative Cinema", a term coined on this blog in 2007. (See a Disclaimer on January 21st of 2007). "CCC" is merely an affective monicker, a lazy shortcut, a palindromic acronym reserved for aficionados who discuss and study it. It's a lasting work-in-progress, that stayed with us all these years, even though the full name established itself for a while now. It shouldn't be used to publicize this cinema on the public stage, especially due to its obscur origin. Too often we read in the press this technical acronym used and abused in order to confuse and lose the neophyte readers. The full term "Contemporary Contemplative Cinema" would be a preferrable notoriety, as it is more accurate and self-explanatory, or else, simply "Contemplative Cinema" for short is perfectly fine.
    Why "contemplative"? Because what is unique and new about these films is their peculiar attention to observation of life itself, their sensibility to contemplation of the screen. 
    Why "cinema"? Because it is a narrative mode, a stylistic trend in the history of cinema, like many other movements in the past (eg. Cinema-vérité, Free Cinema, Cinema Nôvo...)
    Why "contemporary"? Because the history of contemplation in cinema started as far back as the Lumière brothers and shouldn't be mixed up with earlier movements such as Modernity or Neorealismo... Thus we know we're talking about a recent trend and not about the continuity of an older trend.

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Read also at Unspoken Cinema:


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