HarryTuttle is back

After a long and slow hiatus (my last post was 30 of september 2014), I am back in action to update this blog again. I had to take a break to focus on my mental health. This has been longer than expected but then again I thought I never return to this blog.
HarryTuttle is now Benoit Rouilly, my identity in real life. I guess I don't need a nom de plume anymore. I will be admin of this blog under this new name, so don't be surprise to see a different signature to my blogposts.
I am ready to start again the activity on this blog and pursue the defense of Contemporary Contemplative Cinema. A lot has happened since I was gone, but most importantly CCC filmmakers have continued to make contemplative films according to their unique style and this despite the big debate against "Slow Cinema" (which is another broader family we will talk  about in greater depth later).
The comments on this blog are open again like before. So feel free to leave your suggestions and recommendations for new CCC films and new CCC auteurs. So we could build a database of all things CCC together.
I haven't paid much attention to the CCC scene since 2014, so I missed a lot of new films, especially since I don't live in Paris anymore, where seeing this niche of cinema was the easiest in the world.
I will clean up the blog and revise the old lists and directory from 2008 to adapt to the new landscape in CCC.
I have gotten rid of the annoying background image for all the quotes on the blog (which was replaced by an "update your account" logo) that made reading quotes impossible.
Remember to subscribe to the comments feed as well as the main feed for blogposts, because I add half of the content in the comment thread of each post. Plus you can follow what visitors have to say too.

You may find me online at :
Gmail rouilly.benoit3c(at)gmail
Twitter @RouillyBenoit3C 


Unknown said…
I only noticed now, but I'm glad you're back. This is my favorite blog on slow cinema.
Mikel said…
Thank you very much, Benoit.

During years, your blog discovered me great movies, great directors, great articles that I really enjoyed. Actually, I'm a cinema lecturer and I suggest your blog to my students. One of them told that you come back a couple of months ago.

Great news for (slow) cinema lovers
Benoit Rouilly said…
Thanks for the support Mikel,

Where do you teach cinema?
Doug Cummings said…
Welcome back, Benoit. Actually, I am planning to spend some time in Paris this summer and was thinking of you, so I'm disappointed to hear that you no longer live in Paris. Maybe you can recommend some cinephile activities.
Benoit Rouilly said…
Hi Doug, nice to see you again. There is a ton of things to do in Paris, even if the summer (especially august) is a bit slow and dead because everyone is away on vacation. Depending on your travelling period you might coincide with a film festival.
There is always La cinémathèque française, with 2 exhibitions until july 29 (I believe they close in august until september): Clousot and Marker.
There are a bunch of free open air screenings in august.
There might be (again this year) the projection of Cannes 2018 films at MK2 Bibliothèque in july.
But there is always a galore of art-et-essai screenings at the art cinemas. I can give youthe good addresses if you contact me by email (see above in the post).
Doug Cummings said…
Thanks, Benoit! Clouzot and Marker will be great. I'm disappointed to be missing their current Mizoguchi lineup. And great tip on the possibility of Cannes at MK2....I will email you.

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