Cookout (Maki)
Cookout from James Maki on Vimeo (22 May 2011) 10'
I spend an inordinate amount of time considering... well... time. Or our perception of it. This is born of that.
Inspired by David Loy's essay, "The Mahāyāna Deconstruction of Time."
- "Matière et Mémoire" (Henri Bergson; 1896)
- “Durée et simulatanéité” (Henri Bergson, 1922)
- “L'intuition de l'instant” (Gaston Bachelard, 1931)
- “La Pensée et le mouvant” (Henri Bergson, 1934) [PDF]
- “La dialectique de la durée” (Gaston Bachelard, 1950)
- “Cinema 2 : Image-Temps” (Gilles Deleuze, 1985)
- Project Haiku (Buffalo corp)
- Bouquet for Basho (Mehra)
- 10 minutes of life at the time / Stasis films 2 (landscape)
I appreciate that you're interested enough in the role of time in cinema to make the effort to make a film about it, and using this nice contemplative vibe too.
Let me know if you have other films, or other texts to share.