Bouquet for basho (Mehra)

Kunal Mehra (director of The wind Blows Where It will) notified me of his latest short film made in homage to Basho (29 Aug 2010) :

Matsuo Basho was a 17th-century Japanese haiku poet best known for his masterpiece Narrow Road to the Interior, a work composed during his nomadic travels through the Japanese countryside in 1689.
"...Just then, moonlight poured through leaves and cracks in the wall into a corner of the room. I heard villagers in the distance as they banged wooden clappers and shouted at deer to go away. My heart and mind felt the utter aloneness of autumn..."
In a few terse lines, Basho conjures up an entire landscape: both the actual moonlit landscape that he was experiencing that night, and the emotional vista that was unfolding in his mind at that time. His verses dissolve the lines between the seer and the seen, between the senses and the sensed object, creating an ephemeral oneness.

In this short film, I picked ten haikus and attempted to visually translate and project the frame of mind that the haikus put me in, inasmuch as one can interpolate and transform one form of art into another.

See also :


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