TARR Béla (born 21 July 1955, Hungary) = 53 yold in 2008

16 films / 12 screenplays (1st film: 1978/latest film: 2011)
INSPIRED BY: Robert Bresson, Yasujiro Ozu, Miklós Jancsó, Andrei Tarkovsky, Rainer Fassbinder, John Cassavetes, Larissa Shepitko, paintings (?) ...
C.C.C. films : The Turin Horse (2011); The Man From London (2007); Prologue (2004); Werckmeister harmóniák (2000); Sátántangó (1994); Damnation (1988), Almanac of Fall (1985); The Prefab People (1982); The Outsider (1981); Family Nest (1979);
INFLUENCE ON: Gus Van Sant, Wang Bing, Benedek Fliegauf, György Fehér...

The Turin Horse (2011)
The Man from London (2007) 132'
Prologue (2004) segment from "Visions of Europe" 5'
Werckmeister harmóniák (2000) 145'
Utazás az Alföldön / Voyage sur la plaine hongroise (1995) 35'
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Sátántangó (1990-94) 435'
Utolsó hajó / The Last Boat (1989) 32'
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Damnation (1987) 116'
Almanac of Fall (1983-84) 120'
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Macbeth (1982) 64'
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The Prefab People (1982) 82'
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The Outsider (1979-80) 135'
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Hôtel Magnezit (1978) 13'
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Family Nest (1977) 100'

  • "La splendeur de Belà Tarr" By: Stéphane Bouquet (Feb 1997, Cahiers du cinéma #510) [FRENCH]
  • "Visual Thinking & Various European Cinematic Landscapes. Examples from Peter Greenaway, Theo Angelopoulos, Béla Tarr, and Andrei Tarkovsky" By: Valkola Jarmo (Hungarologische Beiträge. Universität der Jyväskylä 1997)
  • "Béla Tarr, le cosmos sinon rien" By: Pascal Richou (June 2000, Cahiers du cinéma #547) [FRENCH]
  • The World According to TarrBy: András Bálint Kovács’ in the catalogue Béla Tarr (Budapest: Filmunio, 2001)
  • "Aesthetics of Visual Expressionism: Béla Tarr's Cinematic Landscapes" By: Jarmo Valkola (Hungarologische Beiträge; 13; HUNGAROLÓGIA - JYVÄSKYLÄ, 2001) PDF
  • "L'esthétique visuelle de Béla Tarr" (Jarmo Valoka, Théorème: le cinéma hongrois, le temps et l'histoire, 2003) [FRENCH]
  • "The Camera is a Machine" By: Gus Van Sant (MoMA; Bela Tarr Retrospective Catalogue, 2001) translated in French in Trafic #50, summer 2004 [FRENCH] at Unspoken
  • "Béla Tarr, le regard du maître" By: Emile Breton (Spring 2002, Cinéma #3) [FRENCH] on Werkmeister Harmonies and Satantango
  • "Béla Tarr" (Budapest: Mokep Co., 2004)
  • "Tudósítás a finnországi Jyväskyläból - Hungarológiai Intézete konferenciát szervezett Tarr Béla az európai filmhagyomány megújítója címmel" (Jyväskylä University; Finland; 26-27 March 2004)
  • "The Generation of the 1980s/90s: Béla Tarr, Peter Forgács" By: Jarmo Valkola (International Seminar on East-European Cinema, the Hungarian Case – Time and History. Stockholm’s Universität / Filmvetenskap.  8.-9.9.2004)
  • "Sátántangó" By: Kovács András Bálint; in The Cinema of Central Europe (ed. Peter Hames, 237-245. London: Wallfl ower; 2004)
  • "Le cinéma hongrois rouvre un oeil" By: Joël Chapron (March 2004, Cahiers du cinéma #588) [FRENCH]
  • "Unkarilainen todellisuus lähikuvassa – Béla Tarrin elokuvien visuaalinen estetiikka" By: Jarmo Valkola (1/ 2005) [FINNISH]
  • "Béla Tarr: a Cinema of Patience" Trans. Kati Baranyi, Peter Doherty, Laszlo Jeles Nemes, and Daniel Nashat (Chicago: Facets Video, Feb 2006)
  • "Unkarilainen todellisuus lähikuvassa – Béla Tarrin elokuvien visuaalinen estetiikka" By: Jarmo Valkola (2006) [FINNISH]
  • "A few words on Béla Tarr" By: Howard Feinstein (Sarajevo Film Festival Catalogue, 2006) online at Film and Video; Walker Art Center; Minneapolis; 3 Sept 2007
  • "Cadences hongroises" By: Thierry Méranger (2006, Cahiers du cinéma #617) [FRENCH]
  • « Béla Tarr ou le temps inhabitable » By: Sylvie Rollet (Positif, n° 542, avril 2006, pp. 101-103) [FRENCH]
  • The devil has all the good tunes (Tim Wilkinson)
  • "Saving the Image. Scale and duration in contemporary art cinema" By: Erika Balsom (CineAction, #72, 2007)
  •  « Théo Angelopoulos, Alexandre Sokourov, Béla Tarr ou la mélancolie de l’Histoire » By: Sylvie Rollet (Positif, n° 556, juin 2007, pp. 96-99) [FRENCH]
  • "Time in Cinema : Turbulence and Flow" (Yvette Bíró, 2007) [FRENCH] [ENGLISH] excerpt
  • "Cinema as Art and Philosophy in Béla Tarr's Creative Exploration of Reality" (Elzbieta Buslowska (Acta Univ. Sapientiae, Film and Media Studies; #1; 2009; p.107-116) PDF
  • Héros modernes dans les films de Béla Tarr” By: Jarmo Valkola (in Colloque International Le héros cinématographique: approches et evolutions d’une notion. Journée d’étude: Institut de Recherche sur le Cinéma et ‘Audiovisuel -IRCAV-, Université Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, France, 10.6.2009)
  • « L’archipel de la résistance : Bartas, Loznitsa, Sokourov, Tarr » By: Sylvie Rollet  (Positif, n° 597, novembre 2010, pp. 105-108) [FRENCH]
  • "Ege Celeste Reinuma: The Image of Women in the films of Béla Tarr" By: Jarmo Valkola (University of Jyväskylä, Department of Art and Culture; 2012) 
  • "The Circle Closes: The Cinema of Béla TarrBy: András Bálint Kovács (May 2013)
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  • "Why I Make Films" By: Béla Tarr Trans. Kati Baranyi, Peter Doherty, Laszlo Jeles Nemes, and Daniel Nashat in "Béla Tarr: a Cinema of Patience" (Chicago: Facets Video, Feb 2006)
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  • TARR Béla, cinéaste et au-delà (2011/Jean-Marc Lamoure/France) DOC 45'
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Please complete, correct when needed. This is an ongoing resource page to be updated.


HarryTuttle said…
Added: Are you sitting comfortably? (Jonathan Romney, October 7, 2000, The guardian)

recommended by Celinejulie.
HarryTuttle said…
Added (tips= Film Studies for Free) :

"A semiotic Satan's tango" By: Alfred Toth (Mathematical Semiotics, No. 236, 2008) PDF

"From a Tower, Darkly: Béla Tarr: A londoni férfi (The Man from London)" By: Erzsébet Bori (The Hungarian Quarterly, Volume XLIX, No. 189, Spring 2008)

"Cinema as Art and Philosophy in Béla Tarr's Creative Exploration of Reality" By: Elzbieta Buslowska (Acta Univ. Sapientiae, Film and Media Studies; #1; 2009) p.107-116 PDF

"Aesthetics of Visual Expressionism: Béla Tarr's Cinematic Landscapes" By: Jarmo Valkola (HuNGAROLOGiscHE BEITRÄGE 13. HUNGAROLÓGIA - JYVÄSKYLÄ, 2001)

"The Camera is a Machine" By: Gus Van Sant (MoMA; Bela Tarr Retrospective Catalogue, 2001) translated in French in Trafic #50, summer 2004 [FRENCH]

"Tarr Nation: Hungary for More" By: Rob Nelson (Film and Video, 19 Sept 2007)

"A few words on Béla Tarr…" By: Howard Feinstein (Sarajevo Film Festival Catalogue, 2006) online at Film and Video; 3 Sept 2007

"Sátántangó" By: Kovács András Bálint; in The Cinema of Central Europe (ed. Peter Hames, 237245. London: Wallflower; 2004)

"Béla Tarr: Mysterious Harmonies" (Walker Art Center; Minneapolis; 14 Sept 2007)
Catherine Grant said…
Thanks Harry! I just dropped by to pass on the above list to add to yours. So thanks for including the references. Let me leave just the two video references: Béla Tarr and film critic Howard Feinstein discuss the former's innovative filmography, punctuated by clips from his films at the Walker Art Center, December 22, 2008 (; and Two part live recording of discussion with Béla Tarr and Jonathan Romney at the Renoir cinema in London, 2007 ( Cheers.
HarryTuttle said…
Sorry I forgot to add the videos.
Thanks for your links.
Unknown said…
You can add this reference :
"(Dés)ordre : corps ordinaires et figures politiques dans Les Harmonies Werckmeister de Béla Tarr" (By Estelle Bayon, Raison Publique n°12, Presses de l’Université Paris-Sorbonne, mai 2010). [FRENCH]
The text isn't online.
And thanks for your great website !
HarryTuttle said…
Merci. Est-ce que ta publication est consultable à la BiFi? Sinon, pourrais-tu me faire parvenir un exemplaire s'il te plait? (email)
Isabel R said…
Hi Harry, just a note to say THANK YOU so very much for this detailed list of sources. I got it from András Kováks new book on Bela Tarr, which you have of course listed. Are you planning to keep updating?
thanks again, Isabel R (U.K)
Lidia Mello said…
Hey guys, thank you!!! I'm doing my Phd in Brazil on the films of Béla Tarr.

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