Pedro COSTA (born 1959, Portugal) = 49 yold in 2008
12 films/ 4 screenplays (1st film:1984/latest film:2007)
INSPIRED BY : Straub/Huillet, Jean Rouch, John Ford, Nouvelle Vague, Duras, Murnau, Charles Laughton, Jacques Tourneur, António Reis
C.C.C. films (strict model in red) : Ne Change Rien (2009)v; Tarrafal (2007)v; Juventude Em Marcha/Colossal Youth (2006)v; Où gît votre sourire enfoui? (2001)v; No Quarto da Vanda/In Vanda's Room (2000)v; Ossos/Bones (1997)v; Casa de Lava (1994)v; O Sangue/Blood (1989)v

Ne Change Rien (2009) Cannes 2009
Rabbit Hunters (2007) short segment from omnibus : Memories IMDb
  • video on YouTube (CineLuso) part 1 - 2 - 3 21'06"
  • (add link here)

Tarrafal (2007) IMDb

Juventude Em Marcha/Colossal Youth (2006) - Cannes 2006 IMDb

Où gît votre sourire enfoui? (2001) IMDb

No Quarto da Vanda/In Vanda's Room (2000) - Locarno 2000 - Cannes 2002 IMDb

Ossos/Bones (1997) - Venice 1997 IMDb

Casa de Lava (1994) - Cannes 1994 (Un Certain Regard) IMDb

O Sangue/Blood (1989) IMDb

  • "Pedro Costa, de Lisbonne au Cap-Vert" By: Frédéric Strauss (Cahiers du cinéma n° 490, Avril 1995) [FRENCH]
  • "La sorcière et le rémouleur" By: Thierry Lounas (Cahiers du cinéma n° 538, Sept 1999) [FRENCH]
  • "L'image en chantier" By: Stéphane Delorme (Cahiers du cinéma n° 584, Nov 2003) [FRENCH]
  • "Pedro Costa : Whispering in distant chambers" (Sendai Mediatheque, Japan, 2005) [JAPANESE]
  • "Pedro Costa : Film retrospective in Sendai 2005" By: Shigehiko Hasumi & François Albéra & Nobuhiro Suwa & Frederic Bonnaud (Sendai Mediatheque, Japan) [ENGLISH] [JAPANESE]
  • "Un cinéaste punk / Pedro Costa" (Cahiers du cinéma n° 603, juillet-août 2005) [FRENCH]
  • "STILL LIVES: THE FILMS OF PEDRO COSTA" By: James Quandt (Sept 2006, Artforum) online excerpt here
  • "Mon regard et celui des acteurs étaient le même" By: Emmanuel Burdeau & Thierry Lounas (Cahiers du cinéma n° 619, Jan 2007) [FRENCH]
  • "Pedro Costa. A Portuguese maverick looks back at film history and forward to its future" By: Thom Andersen (Film Comment, Mar/Apr 2007)
  • Portugese edition of the films of Pedro Costa By: Ricardo Matos Cabo & Shigehiko Hasumi & Jacques Rancière & Bernard Eisenschitz (coming soon) [PORTUGUESE] [ENGLISH]
  • "Mr. Costa Goes to Vienna" By: Quintín (Cinema Scope #25)
  • Hughes, Darren. "Pedro Costa’s 'Vanda Trilogy' and the Limits of Narrative Cinema as a Contemplative Art", Chapter 12, in the collective book Faith And Spirituality In Masters Of World Cinema, 2008, Ed. Cambridge Scholar's Publishing, pp. 160-174 (excerpt here)
  • Dossiê: Pedro Costa, special issue of Devires (Jan-Jun 2008, v5 N°1) with articles by: Jair Tadeu da Fonseca, Mateus Araújo Silva, Jacques Lemière, Oswaldo Teixeira, Stella Senra, Jacques Rancière, Cyril Neyrat, Maurício Salles Vasconcellos, Bárbara Barroso, Daniel Ribas, Francesca Azzi [PORTUGUESE] (abstract here)
  • "Man with the Mini-DV Camera" By: Kim West (Site Magazine, #24, p.6, 2008) PDF
  • "Editorial : Necesidad de Pedro Costa" By: Carlos F. Heredero (Cahiers du cinéma España, #23, 8 May 2009) [SPANISH]
  • "Actitud ‘Punk’" By: Eulàlia Iglesias (Cahiers du cinéma España, #23, 8 May 2009) [SPANISH]
  • "Introduccion : Resistencias" By: Glòria Salvadó Corretger (Cahiers du cinéma España, #23, 8 May 2009) [SPANISH]
  • "Filmografia commentada : Un cine en marcha" (Cahiers du cinéma España, #23, 8 May 2009) [SPANISH]
  • "Resistir en la memoria" By: Lourdes Monterrubio (Cahiers du cinéma España, #23, 8 May 2009) [SPANISH]
  • "De la disolución al monumento" By: Carlos Losilla (Cahiers du cinéma España, #23, 8 May 2009) [SPANISH]
  • "Hacia un hiperrealismo de la imagen digital" By: Àngel Quintana (Cahiers du cinéma España, #23, 8 May 2009) [SPANISH]
  • "La audacia es bella" By: Jaime Pena (Cahiers du cinéma España, #23, 8 May 2009) [SPANISH]
  • "Serenidad" By: Miguel Gomes (Cahiers du cinéma España, #23, 8 May 2009) [SPANISH] [EN]
  • (add reference here)




  • Tout refleurit: Pedro Costa, cinéaste (2006/Aurélien Gerbault/France) IMDb

Please complete, correct info when needed, fix broken links. This is an ongoing resource page to be updated.


HarryTuttle said…

I Have to Risk Each Shot Michael Guillen's interview of Pedro Costa at GreenCine
HarryTuttle said…

Entretien "Asile de nuit" By: ? (March 13, 2001, Arte) [FRENCH] + RealPlayer video 12 parts [FRENCH]
HarryTuttle said…
added : 2 articles in the new January 2009 Senses of Cinema
- "No Quarto da Vanda/In Vanda's Room" By: Miguel Marías (January 2009, Senses of Cinema)
- "Escaping the Future" By: Daniel Ribas (January 2009, Senses of Cinema) on O Sangue
Daniel Ribas said…

There is a Brazilian magazine, called "Devires", which has dedicated its last number to Pedro Costa. It's in Portuguese (I have an article there).

here is the link to the abstracts:

You also missed an article on the last number of Senses of Cinema. You mention two, but there is a third, on "Ossos/Bones":

Your site is a great reference on Pedro Costa! :)

Any help, please ask. I'm a researcher on Portuguese Cinema.

Daniel Ribas
HarryTuttle said…
Hi Daniel,
Thanks for the links. I've added them now.
If you want to help you may join the blog (send me an email to receive an invitation) and write on Contemplative Cinema in Portugal.
In any case, we will make sure to contact you for any question on Portugese cinema. Thanks for the offer.
André Dias said…
While ago I've written a small text in Portuguese considering an important aspect of Pedro Costa's work: his relation to the Portuguese Revolution. It's called "Outro final para o 25 de Abril".
HarryTuttle said…

Also added Catherine Grant's academic list at Film Studies For Free
HarryTuttle said…
Added: DOCU: Tout refleurit: Pedro Costa, cinéaste (2006/Aurélien Gerbault/France)
"Pedro Costa et les fantômes de Fontainhas, entretien avec Aurélien Gerbault" By: Mathieu Capel (Images de la Culture, n°22; Jul 2007) [FRENCH] PDF
"Pedro Costa, the Samuel Beckett of cinema" By: Peter Bradshaw (The Guardian; 17 Sept 2009)
"A obra em negro" By: Mário Jorge Torres (24 Sep 2009)
"O Sangue" By: Francisco Ferreira (27 Sep 2009)
HarryTuttle said…
Added (from FSFF):

"Aesthetic Separation, Aesthetic Community: Scenes from the Aesthetic Regime of Art" By: Jacques Rancière (Journal of Art & Research, Volume 2. No. 1. Summer 2008)

"Man with the Mini-DV Camera" By: Kim West (Site Magazine, #24, p.6, 2008)

"Contemplating the New Physicality of Cinema" By:C.S Leigh (The Believer, Mar-Apr 2009)

"A Desperate Utopian Dream. Pedro Costa: an Introduction" By: Mark Peranson (Vertigo Magazine, Vol.3, No.9, Spring/Summer 2008)

"Crossing the Threshold: Interview with Pedro Costa" By: Kieron Corless (Sight and Sound, Oct 2009)

Rabbit Hunters (video on YouTube, CineLuso)
HarryTuttle said…
added : "Pedro Costa" Interview By: James Mansfield (Little White Lies, 7 Oct 2009)
VALMA said…
Dear Harry
Could you change pedro's website (and yes official and under construction little by little) for now it's
HarryTuttle said…
Sure. Thanks for the tip.

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