"[..] Our emphasis on the affective mediation of the film’s atmospheres contributes to the slow cinema debate, where much theorising explains the genre’s characteristic slowness in narrative-aesthetic terms. By including recent discourse on affective atmospheres, we aim to provide theoretical tools that can be used to understand and analyse the stylistic features of slow films as aesthetic, atmospheric properties that afford viewers’ meaningful engagement with the film-world in ways differently than narrative comprehension and/or character engagement. In other words, the novel framework of film atmosphere helps advance the understanding of certain distinct aesthetic pleasures this type of film offers its audience; the notion of atmosphere captures well the power the aesthetics of slowness holds. [..]" Slow Cinematic Atmosphere: Developing an Enactivist-Phenomenological Theory for Contemplative Spectatorship ; Jakob Boer & Ludo de Roo; 17 Feb 2025; Quarterly Review of Film...