Nasumice / Adrift (2018) Caleb BURDEAU
NASUMICE (2018/Caleb BURDEAU) OPENING SEQUENCE « We’ve changed ? Hardly, not significantly. The World has changed. I’ve stayed the same : I live in constant change and I know all about you, all that can be known, all but your address, the city you live in, your children, the langage you fill out forms in, where you go in the morning and who you come back to in the evening, that I don’t know but I can guess (I can see it all with frightening clairvoyance). We have not changed. You live unchanged, a witness to changes. And you know almost all about me, all that you need to know. And those of us who didn’t make it ? But how can we talk at all about what they’ve changed into ? It is the world that changed by not being around, we have stayed the same. Far from each other, obsessed with the same world. Small as we are, insignificant. » Poem by Saša Skenderija ( Common Places, 2011) Bosnian-American poet THE CHANCE ENCOUNTER It all...