Passive-aggressive (Frieze)
Yet another response, by Frieze 's chief editor Dan Fox ( 24 May 2010 ) There are more CCC discussions outside than on this blog here in the past 2 years! " spat ", " lobbing handfuls of organic flapjack at each other ", " critical storm-in-a-teacup ", " now, don’t get me wrong or nuffink… ", " upset ", " fervent fan and vociferous defender ", " lambasts ", " hits back ", " scalds "... i'll just skip the passive-aggressive attempt to escalate the animosity of impressionist journalists. "‘Real film critics giving up on art … Who is going to defend real culture then?’ he asks, ignoring the question here of who gets to say what ‘real culture’ is." If you're not born this morning, you probably know what culture is and what state it is in. Culture is not decided by the free market, culture is not what the mercantile industry chooses to greenlight, culture is not w...